Miles Weigold has been a member of the Striders for over 30 years. From the beginning, he became a frequent volunteer at packet pick-ups, served on the “special races” committees, and directed the weekly races in 1978-79. A born organizer, Miles also directed the first Columbia Triathlon on 10 June 1984 (held at the Wilde Lake Swim Center). Miles’ leadership qualities and friendly spirit eventually elevated him in the Strider hierarchy, and he assumed the Presidency in 1984. Working for IBM, Miles also initiated some landmark advances in Strider technology, including the installation of the (telephone) hotline in 1985 and the first use of bar-code scanning in 1994 at the 10 Mile Challenge. In later years, Miles organized the 2-mile Columbia Birthday runs and was in great demand as an announcer at Strider races. He and his wife Pat eventually rode off into the sunset (Arizona) where they live.

Miles was not a fast runner, but he kept plugging away at marathons until he finally achieved a personal best of 3:58:32 at the Maryland Marathon in 1979 (that’s when runners had to negotiate the infamous Satyr Hill). Miles used to say, “you’re a success if you finish.”