Tim Beaty joined the Howard County Striders in 1977, just after his first race ever which, coincidentally, was the first ever Metric Marathon. (Tim had been running/jogging for eight weeks at the time.) It was the beginning or an extraordinary 28 year career. When he retired from running in 2005, due to knee problems, he’d logged 60,557.7 miles over 10,344 days for an average of 5.85 miles per day. During this time frame, he ran 389 races, of which 103 were at distances of 26.2 miles or more! His PRs include 5:46.35 for one mile; 38:53.69 for 10K; 64:10.56 for 10 miles; 1:27:14.43 for the half marathon; 1:54:45.40 for the metric marathon; 2:23:50.23 for 20 miles; 3:06:28.45 for the marathon; 5:10:10.00 for 50K (on the trail); 9:19:16.53 for 50 miles (also on the trail); and 11:04:43.71 for 100K. His only regret is never completing a 100 mile run.

Tim has also been a “marathoner” as a volunteer. He served on the first Striders Board of Directors, and compiled a record of more than 20 years as a Director of the club. If not running himself, or traveling for work or to visit grandchildren, he’s been a fixture working on traffic control at Strider special races and helping at high school cross country and track events. For many years, he was the Director of the Eastern Regional RRCA Championship 24 Hour Relay held at Fort Meade, Howard High School and Mt. Hebron High School. Tim says his fondest memories are running great distances alone, plus running great distances with friends.